Our Mission:
Empowering the local church to transform their community through coaching pastors to apply Ephesians 4:12 “Equipping God’s people for works of service for the building up of the kingdom of Christ…”
LoveServes International is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that is positively affecting the poorest villages in the Dominican Republic, changing the lives of adults, youth and children by training local pastors to equip the members of their own congregations to do the ministry (Ephesians 4:12) and transform their communities. With over 30 years of experience and a dedicated and talented staff, LoveServes International has an impeccable reputation, and give all Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. To date, through the work of the Holy Spirit and training from LoveServes 91,484 adults have come to Christ and are being discipled and equipped to bring others as well.
At LoveServes International, we believe that pastors are to equip God’s people for the work of ministry. We also believe that the local churches have a critical role to play in their villages, and our goal is to assist them in achieving the greatest impact. We accomplish our goal by training the local pastors to initiate ministry projects, equip and mobilize church members according to their individual gifts, and then immerse their congregation into the community to meet its greatest needs. Each local church determines the greatest need in their village. Some of the most popular needs include:
Christian schools for children who cannot attend public school because they do not have a birth certificate
Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention
Marriage Counseling
We see lives transformed daily as a result of the holistic approach LoveServes International brings to the community through the local church. Based on Matthew 25:35-40 we believe the local church should be equipping their members to love the “least of these”. When a community’s needs are met, crime goes down, hunger is satisfied, children learn about the love of Jesus, homeless find shelter, disease is prevented, and broken families are healed. As lives are transformed, a hope they have not experienced before enters their hearts, and spreads to the entire community.
The pastors we train have great passion and work very hard, but have been limited in their opportunities for education and spiritual growth. They are hungry for instruction, encouragement and methods that work. Most of the pastors have less than a 10th grade education and are very frustrated trying to guide their congregation. They are eager to work with LoveServes International to help them shape their church into a model of Jesus’ ministry, rather than a church that employs legalism to keep members in line. LoveServes refocuses the pastor back to his role as an equipper, turns pew sitters into active ministers, gives the local church an outward vision, and focuses the church outside its four walls to where the needs are.
LoveServes International shares a Biblical model to pastors and lay leaders that has been lost in many poor community churches, training them in Ephesians 4:12 – that the purpose of the Church is to equip the Church members “for works of service.” Our LoveServes Coaches teach what it looks like to “love your neighbor” who is likely the least of these and equips churches to actually do it. Our Dominican Coaches model and mentor local pastors through intense monthly coaching and topical workshops. This is extremely effective and efficient because we only have Dominicans equipping Dominicans.
By empowering the pastor and other leaders in the Church, we give them the ability to empower others in their midst. Leader’s model and delegate responsibility and experience God’s power lived out in their members. People are then able to recognize and use their God-given talents and Spiritual gifts for ministry both inside the church and in the local community. LoveServe’s training creates congregations that are passionate, enjoying a genuine relationship with God. This enthusiasm is contagious, and others come to know the transforming love of Jesus Christ.
For more information see website http://loveserves.org.